The term ecosystem most of the time meets equal or greater response as a marketplace. The reason is the transition of Exclusivity to Inclusivity has not matured well in our societies; through the journey from Monarchy to Oligarchy to Democracy.
Life on Planet has been designed to be an ecosystem where one feeds off other to remain relevant and sustainable. Other than human, the rest of life remain within this code. Human greed has subverted this design and therefore we stand at the precipice of a catastrophe in every station of life.
An Ecosystem is one where entities Collaborate to Create and Share “Value and Benefits” accruing from the System. Eco refers to the ecology of relationships and System is one that transacts for Outcomes. It is very clear that Ecosystems are Value Creators for all not just a few.
More than ever, there is a need for Communities to come together in a divisive world to first pull back our planet from the Threat it faces and Pivot to Opportunities that are abundantly available fusing Data, Talent, Materials, Funds and Infrastructure.
Digital Technology brings the ability to cross the chasm in one single leap; Obliterating Legacy and Creating the New. This must be leveraged with urgency to connect the dots we call life on the planet because the Future is Now.

Trust & Empowerment
The underpinnings of an ecosystem are Trust and Empowerment. And these two factors have been diminishing. We have systems in the universe and metaverse but these systems are heavily skewed in favor of the powerful; Enterprises and Government.
While there is very little one can do about the past, there is everything we can do about the future. And that is building a new ecosystem; where Communities of Interest can graduate to Communities of Practice seamlessly; when Data is owned by Individuals are Empowered to Share their Data with Trust and choose to Collaborate with those that Create Value for them.
Transformation and Innovation can never accomplished by setting Customer and Consumer Expectations but only by Discovering Aspirations for fulfillment Continuously.
The Social Communities we see today are mastered and manipulated by enterprises with a misleading narrative at every level. The content is purposed for vulnerabilities rather than to strengths. The only way to reverse this is to create alternate spaces where data can be created and owned for the purpose of strengthening the Value Creation through a larger participation of people across societies.
Perspectives Post Pandemic

The above Graphic 2 cannot be taken for just what it is. It involves the Transformation of Workforce and Workplace together that will cascade onto Operations and Innovation of Enterprises in every sphere of life. When People are connected with the roles they play across the seven stations of life including Governance, Environment, Education, Health, Wealth, Mobility and Technology, we will see the shaping of the NEW ecosystems that that operate to the Context of an Inclusive Value Creation.
There is a demand for fundamental changes in the operating environment in which we exist and there is great urgency to address technological disruption, climate change, fractured geopolitics and the continuing effects of COVID-19 with a more relevant response.
Getting the 2E’s & 3S’ Right
Giggr Technologies is building a platform that will demonstrate the way an ecosystem must operate in sports. Gravitating the exclusive focus on Elite / Professional Level for Commercial Returns to an Inclusive focus on Grassroots, Elite / Professional and Amateur Level. The 2E’s are the Engagement (Cognitively Intelligent Processes) and Experience ( Smart, Sensitive and Serendipitous Interaction with Systems) that Digital promises to disrupt through the Transformation of:
The Structures democratized for Communities in the mutually inclusive levels of Grassroots, Elite/Professional and Amateur level; addressing the lifecycle of Customer Roles being served with the relevant Products and Services facilitating their Growth through Performance and Equitable Returns.
The Synergies operating at a Glocal (Global + Local) level where Digital bridges the Virtual and Physical with Unified and Seamless Communication fostering the convergence of Content and Computing in Real Time.
The Systems serving Securely Authenticated and Authorized Device (Point of Data Entry and Content Access), Channel (Communities of Interest and Practice) and Medium (Data Formats including Video, Audio, Graphics and Text) with mutual independence.
Imagine a world where about 10–15% of the above 100 Million mentioned in Graphic 2 can be taken care to have a more enriching life through a Platform that operates on the principle of Risk Assured Growth; providing multiple Choices & Options to pursue the path of Excellence in Sports.
Getting the 2E’s right with the 3S’ right is the essence of a Thriving Ecosystem delivering a higher Quality Of Life to its subscribers. Imagine how Data, Talent, Materials, Funds and Infrastructure will fuse to Improve the Productivity and Profitability of every individual in that ecosystem; aggregating to Enterprises and Societies.